YEMEN Press Agency

Islah Party wages new battle against Taiz University

TAIZ, June 20 (YPA) – Taiz University’s arena witnessed on Tuesday a new conflict between Al-Islah Syndicate and the University’s presidency because of the adoption of research on women’s development.

Teaching staff union at the university, which is controlled by the Islah Party, rejected the decision of the presidency to accredit a master’s degree in the Women’s Development Research Center at the university with topics related to gender.

In a statement, the union described the move as “moral decay,” rejecting what it described as promotional international calls for the destruction of societies, referring to “homosexuality.”
The union’s statement prompted many members of the Presidency of Taiz University to withdraw from voting on the project for fear of their liquidation.

Human rights activists considered that the Islah campaign against the university presidency came as part of attempts to subjugate all institutions.