YEMEN Press Agency

Sources: Pro-coalition Yemeni officials are dealing with the trends of dividing Yemen as inevitable

ADEN, May 20 (YPA) -Informed sources in Aden revealed that leaders of the “government” loyal to Saudi-led coalition are dealing with the trends of dividing Yemen as inevitable.

The sources said that the leaders of pro-coalition government in Aden are now deliberating the issue of dividing Yemen, in closed rooms without expressing any objection about the partition efforts that the United States and Britain are trying to impose on the country.

For his part, the leader in the  Islah Party, Saif Al-Hadri, said in a tweet on his Twitter account that Al-Alimi and those he described as “members of his disastrous council,” the prime minister and most ministers and political leaders are aware of the danger of the plan to divide Yemen, but they kept silent.

Al-Hadri added that a historic conviction would prosecute pr-coalition officials loyal for their participation in all crimes of dividing Yemen.

The leaks of the pro-coalition government’s briefing on the country’s partition plan come in light of a special visit by British military experts to the city of Aden to see the military and security situation in the city, who held meetings with military and security officials in Aden.

The visit of the British military delegation to Aden came one day after London submitted a proposal to the Security Council during its last session on Yemen, last Monday.

The British draft resolution included the division of Yemen into two states, before the proposal was rejected by the rest of the members of the Security Council and dropped from the agenda.