YEMEN Press Agency

Mass demonstration in London condemns Zionist aggression on Gaza

LONDON, May 14 (YPA) – Thousands of protesters participated in a demonstration in the British capital, London, on the anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba to protest Zionist violations against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators denounced the brutal attacks against innocent civilians and children, as well as the daily brutal terrorism that the Palestinian people are exposed to in the West Bank, the continuation of the incursions, the policy of assassinations, and the incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The protestors called on the UK government to take immediate action against the Zionist terrorist attacks in Gaza and to hold Israel accountable for its crimes against innocent people in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian ambassador to the United Kingdom, Hussam Zomlot, spoke at the demonstration, saying: “For 75 years to this day, justice has not been achieved in Palestine, and Israel continues its policies of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians.”

The demonstration was organized by the Palestinian Forum in Britain, the British Solidarity Society with Palestine, the Al-Aqsa Friends Organization, the Stop the War Coalition, and the Anti-Arms Sale Coalition, in addition to the Islamic Association.