YEMEN Press Agency

UAE forces suppress protest demonstration in Socotra

SOCOTRA, May 08 (YPA) – A protest demonstration was subjected to repression and abuse by the UAE-allied forces in the archipelago of the occupied Yemeni island of Socotra on Sunday.

Human rights sources on the island said that the protesters against the Emirati energy company “Dexim”, in the city of Qalansiyah, were subjected to repression and abuse by the UAE-backed factions.

The sources stated that the UAE’s representative, Mubarak Abdhan, assigned the recruits of the “Qalansiyah Brigade,” led by Saleh Muhammad al-Hamimi, to chase and arrest the protesters against the background of their demands for improving the electricity service.

The tensions still exist in Qalansiyah between the pro-UAE elements and the protesters, who confirmed that the protests would continue until their demands are met.