YEMEN Press Agency

Sudanese army reveals whereabouts of Omar al-Bashir

WORLD, April 26 (YPA) – The General Command of the Sudanese Armed Forces, confirmed on Wednesday that former President Omar al-Bashir is being held with others in Alia Hospital under the guard and responsibility of the judicial police.

A General Command statement said Al-Bashir was moved to Aliaa Military Hospital on the recommendation of medical staff in Kober prison before the outbreak of clashes between the Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

The former president was held in the Kober prison in Khartoum in December 2019 after being found guilty of corruption.

Meanwhile, the head of the Bashir-era ruling party, Ahmed Haroun, has escaped from prison in Khartoum.

Al-Bashir, who ruled Sudan for three decades, was removed from power by the military in April 2019, following mass protests against his rule.

Al-Bashir came to power on June 30, 1989, after staging a military coup against the government of Prime Minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, and ruled the country under what he named the “national salvation revolution”.