YEMEN Press Agency

STC calls on coalition to pay salaries of recruits loyal to Abu Dhabi

LAHJ, Feb. 12 (YPA) – Ramzi al-Shuaibi, head of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia in  Lahj province in southern Yemen, demanded the payment of salaries the militia members  in the southern and eastern Yemeni governorates.

Al-Shuaibi confirmed during an interview on Sunday with The STC’s Aden Independent Channel (AIC TV), that the coalition has not paid the salaries of recruits in the ranks of the “STC” militias for nearly 12 months.

“It is very unfortunate to hear that the coalition countries are negotiating with the Sanaa government to pay the salaries of employees in the areas under their control, while the file of southern fighters, who constitute the strategic ally of the coalition, is still pending and we have not yet reached a solution regarding the file of  delayed salaries for nearly a year,” Al-Shuaibi said.

“Recruits in the ranks of the coalition forces are at the forefront, while their families suffer from hunger and deprivation,” al-Shuaibi added.