YEMEN Press Agency

Prisoner leader Khader Adnan continues hunger strike for eighth consecutive day

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Feb.Islamic Jihad leader Sheikh Khader Adnan continued his hunger strike for the eighth consecutive day on Sunday in rejection of his arbitrary detention.

According to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS), the so-called military court of the enemy extended the detention of Sheikh Khader Adnan, 44, until next Monday, who is on hunger strike for the seventh consecutive day in refusal for his arrest.

The enemy forces had re-arrested Sheikh Khader Adnan from his home in the town of Arraba / Jenin, on the fifth of February.

He announced his hunger strike from the moment of his first arrest, and his arrest was accompanied by searches, vandalism of the house, and threats to his family.

It is noteworthy that  Sheikh Khader Adnan was arrested “12” times, and spent a total of eight years in Israeli prisons, most of them in administrative detention.