YEMEN Press Agency

Oil exploration’s explosions cause tremors in Shabwa

SHABWA, Feb.12 (YPA) – Tremors have hit areas in Shabwa province, which is under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia in southeastern Yemen.

This was reported by Yemen News Portal , based on testimonies of local sources.

According to local sources, three tremors hit the city of Ataq, the administrative center of Shabwa governorate, in conjunction with a violent explosion.

The sources confirmed that the people felt the tremors, while a number of houses suffered damage represented by cracked walls.

The tremors cause a state of fear and panic among the population.

A geological source in Shabwa said the tremors were caused by oil exploration operations conducted by engineering teams that include explosions in the ground, denying that they were caused by an earthquake.

He stressed that the global seismic stations did not record any seismic activity in Yemen, noting that  tremors have been repeated during the past months and have become habitual for citizens to repeat their occurrence without official explanation of their causes.