YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-coalition government evacuates STC militia from Abyan

ABYAN, Dec. 17 (YPA) – The Ministry of Defense in the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition on Saturday evacuated the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia from the most important strongholds of its opponents, east of Abyan.

Media outlets revealed that the commander of the fourth military region affiliated with the STC, Fadl Hassan, issued a decision to transfer the so-called “joint forces” from the city of Shoqra.

The joint forces are a bloc of factions affiliated with the STC and were deployed in the city of Shoqra, which was the stronghold of the Islah Party forces a few months ago, after an operation supervised by the coalition, which required the transfer of the Islah factions to Marib.

The motives for this transfer decision have not yet been known, and whether it was part of the plans to dismantle and disperse the STC factions, or for security reasons.