YEMEN Press Agency

kuwaiti defense minister resigns

WORLD, Dec. 16 (YPA) – Kuwait’s Defense Minister Sheikh Abdullah Ali Al-Abdullah, has submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Ahmed Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Sabah, according to media reports

Alqabas daily Kuwaiti newspaper quoted well-informed sources as saying:  Abdullah Ali Al-Sabah has already submitted his resignation from his position as defense minister, to the prime minister.

The sources pointed out that the Kuwaiti Prime Minister, Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Sabah, has postponed accepting or rejecting the resignation until next Sunday, stressing that the reason for the postponement is a meeting with the Minister of Defense.

It is noteworthy that Abdullah Ali Al-Sabah was appointed as Minister of Defense in Kuwait, in the government of Ahmed Nawaf Al-Sabah, which was issued by an Amiri decree on October 16.