YEMEN Press Agency

Iran’s President: Enemies attempt to destabilize Iran just like what happened in Libya and Syria

TEHRAN, Nov. 06 (YPA) – President of the Islamic Republic Ebrahim Raisi has on Saturday said that the enemies attempted to destabilize Iran just like what happened in Libya and Syria, but their plot was doomed to failure and all Iranian cities are safe and secure, Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported.

According to IRNA, Raisi’s remarks came during his meeting with pupils participating in the first round of the Path of Progress camps.

“Today Iran and its different cities are secure and that the Americans and our enemies sought to carry out in Iran the same job they had done in Libya and Syria, but they failed to reach their goals”.

The president noted that riots and attempts to disrupt the country differ from protests, so standing against those who create insecurity and unrest is a must.

He underlined that there are numerous advancements, which are not known by the public and even the elite.

Saisi pointed to the progress the country is witnessing despite the restrictions and sanctions imposed on Iran, saying that the will of our scientists is stronger than the embargo and it fails the attempts of enemies and their new plots.

He stressed the need to create the right conditions for talent growth, adding that elites must use their capabilities to solve the country’s problems.