YEMEN Press Agency

US Citizens accuse Biden of deception after he attacked oil companies

WORLD, NOV. 01 (YPA) – US citizens have sharply criticized President Joe Biden for his remarks in which he accused US oil companies of failing to fulfill “the duty to invest in America, to support the American people.”

CNBC TV followers commented on Biden’s recent attacks against US oil companies, calling them “delirium.”

One follower commented on the remarks: “Delirium … “This man first closes oil facilities and prevents their development, and then blames the oil companies.”

Another asked, “Wasn’t his goal to shut down the oil industry?”

Another follower commented: “If you quarrel with the Saudis and stop oil production in your country, expect defeat on November 8 (the day of the midterm congressional elections).

Earlier, Biden criticized major oil companies for making record-setting profits while refusing to help lower prices at the pump for the American people.

The president suggested he will look to Congress to levy tax penalties on oil tax companies if they don’t begin to invest some of their profits in lowering costs for American consumers.