YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian youth injured, others arrested in West Bank

SANAA, Oct. 24 (YPA) – A Palestinian youth was injured on Monday during confrontations with the enemy forces in Jenin, while the Zionist enemy forces launched massive intrusions into the occupied West Bank.

This coincided with violent confrontations, during which molotov cocktails were thrown at the occupation patrols during storming Musliya town, while the town of Zababdeh witnessed confrontations between the youths and those forces who opened fire, wounding a young man with shrapnel in the head, and his condition was described as slight.

In other governorates of the West Bank, the occupation forces launched a campaign of arrests among the citizens, as the enemy forces arrested a young man from the town of Tekoa, south of Bethlehem, and three young men from the town of Al-Mughayer in Ramallah, in addition to the arrest of a young man from Qaddoura camp in Ramallah.