YEMEN Press Agency

White House confirms Biden’s intention to run in 2024 election

WORLD, Jul. 28 (YPA) – President Joe Biden plans to run for a second term in the 2024 election, although polls show that 75% of Democratic supporters do not want to see him among the candidates.

Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, confirmed this during a press conference Wednesday, when she commented on the results of a CNN poll that showed that only 25% of Democratic voters support Biden’s 2024 candidacy.

“We’re not worried about the polls,” Jean-Pierre said. The president has made it clear that he intends to run, but it’s still too far away to think about.”

A week ago, the Quinnipiac University Research Service reported that 54% of Democratic supporters opposed Biden’s participation in the 2024 presidential race.

Biden’s decline in support within his own party comes against the backdrop of declining popularity in the country as a whole, amid rising cost of living and inflation reaching a 40-year high in June (9.1% year-on-year).