TAIZ, Jul. 09 (YPA) – the local authority in Taiz province, which is affiliated with the Sanaa government, inaugurated on Saturday the opening of the 60th -50th road leading to Taiz city, for the first time since the start of the war.
This road has been under the control of armed factions loyal to Saudi-led coalition during the years of war.
The opening of the road came at a unilateral initiative announced by Sanaa, after it was not possible to reach an agreement to open the corridors to the cities, as the factions loyal to the coalition insist on opening roads of a military nature, as Sanaa says.
The governor of Taiz appointed by the Sanaa government, Salah Bajash, announced the opening of the fifty-sixty road, starting from this morning, Saturday.
Bagash said in a press statement: “The fifty-sixtieth road to the city of Taiz has become safe on our part for travelers and citizens,” he said, holding “the other party is responsible for the safety of travelers and citizens.”
Al-Masirah TV channel aired scenes showing the moments of the inauguration of the traffic on the road, as it became passable to the borders of the areas controlled by the factions loyal to the coalition, and the role remains for these factions to open the remaining part of the road to alleviate the suffering of the citizens.
The opening of the road to the city of Taiz was widely welcomed by the citizens, who are demanding the speedy opening of the road by the other side.
فتح الجيش واللجان لطريق الستين الخمسين تعز 08-07-2022
طريق الستين الخمسين بمحافظة تعز اصبح وفقا لمبادرة المجلس السياسي الأعلى طريقا مفتوحا القيادات المحلية والأمنية والعسكرية بتعز دشنت رسميا فتح هذا الطريق ودعت تحالف العدوان لتسهيل مرور المواطنين والمركبات pic.twitter.com/ZPUd9fgkPh— محمد عبدالسلام (@abdusalamsalah) July 8, 2022