YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen will be under influence of seasonal depression: Meteorology

SANAA, July. 07 (YPA) -The National Center of Meteorology announced that Yemen would be under the influence of the active and mutual interaction between the seasonal depression.

In its weather forecast, the center affirmed that the depression would lead to instability, especially in the eastern parts of the country.

It expected the rain of varying intensity, accompanied by thunderstorms, would be on the heights and valleys of the provinces of Mahra, Hadramout and Shabwa, Abyan, Bayda, Lahj, Taiz, Ibb, Dhalea, Raymah, Mahweet, Hajjah, Dhamar, Saada, Amran and Sanaa.

The center pointed to severe monsoon winds, with speeds ranging between 30-40 knots in the Socotra archipelago and 15-25 knots, in the Gulf of Aden, the eastern and southern coasts and the entrance to Bab al-Mandab.