YEMEN Press Agency

Zakharova in response to Borrell’s statements: Their despicable manipulations are fueling crises in the world

MOSCOW, March 27 (YPA) – Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova described European diplomacy as “despicable”, stressing that the West’s manipulations “only serve to fuel crises in the world.”

Zakharova commented on the statement of the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, that the West’s actions may push “Russia towards China” and lead to an imbalance.

Borrell previously said that if the West pushed Russia toward China, it would create a global southeast and northwest that could lead to “incredible imbalances”.

Zakharova wrote on her Telegram account: “I would not trust them to balance the wheels of a car, let alone geopolitics. Their despicable manipulations, only increase the crises in the world … the false diplomacy of Brussels.”