YEMEN Press Agency

Hadi officials involved in theft, smuggling of Yemeni artifacts

MARIB, March 25 (YPA) – Saudi-led coalition forces and smugglers, backed by Hadi government officials, have continued on Thursday the process of looting antiquities in the city of Marib and smuggling them abroad. The operations specifically target one of the most important archaeological temples in the city.

Anis Mansour, a consultant at Hadi’s embassy in Riyadh, revealed an unprecedented level of smuggling of archaeological panels from the Awam temple, noting that the official departments in Hadi’s government are aware of the matter.

Since the beginning of the war, Yemeni antiquities have appeared in international auctions and exhibitions, some pieces of which were sold to Qatar and others to the United Arab Emirates, while others were deposited in Western museums.

Most of these relics and treasures were smuggled from areas under the control of the Hadi puppet government, specifically in Shabwah and Marib.