YEMEN Press Agency

President Al-Mashat urges Zakat Authority on finding job opportunities

SANAA, March 15 (YPA) – President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, urged on Tuesday the Zakat Authority on finding job opportunities by adopting projects to end the phenomena of unemployment and poverty.

This came during his visit the General Authority for Zakat, where he was received by the Chairman of the Authority, Sheikh Shamsan Abu Nastan.

During the visit, Al-Mashat was briefed on the progress of work in the authority, and the projects included in the authority’s plan for the current year.

Mr. President pointed out that the Saudi-led coalition has exacerbated the humanitarian conditions of the Yemeni people, caused all their misery and deprivation, great destruction of the capabilities of the people and society, and a high rate of poverty.