YEMEN Press Agency

French Defense Minister: War is at Europe’s doorstep

SANAA, March 07 (YPA) – French Defense Minister Florence Parly has warned that Russia’s war on Ukraine could spill over into Europe.

“War is at Europe’s doorstep, let’s not let it in,” Parly said on Sunday while visiting a military base in Romania’s Black Sea city of Constanta, where 500 French soldiers are deployed as part of a NATO force.

In these uncertain times, France is determined to ensure the Europe’s security, she added.

Parly emphasized that NATO poses no threat to Russia, as the Western alliance’s commitment to its members is “defensive, not offensive.”

Since the start of the Russian military operation on Ukraine, France and Belgium have sent nearly 800 troops to the NATO base in Romania.

In the early hours of Thursday, February 24, Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine after the Donetsk and Lugansk republics requested assistance to defend themselves from intensified attacks by Ukrainian forces.