YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi-led coalition targets collection center for remnants of raids in Sanaa

SANAA, Feb. 18 (YPA)- At least one was killed  on Friday when  US-backed Saudi-led coalition warplanes launched two airstrikes on  the collection area of the Executive Center for Mine Action in Bani Matar district of Sanaa province, early Friday, with the aim of concealing evidence related to war crimes against Yemen, the Center said.

“The aggression’s targeting of the assembly area was intended to hide the weapons it used to kill the Yemeni people from cluster bombs or the remnants of the raids,” the Executive Center for Mine Action said in a statement.

“The raids led to the death of one of the guards of the waste collection area.”

It pointed out that the area of gathering remnants of the US-Saudi aggression was known and had been visited by the United Nations.

The Center held the US-Saudi aggression full responsible for the safety of citizens in the neighboring villages, after targeting the area for collecting the remnants of the aggression.

The US-Saudi raids on the weapons remnants collection area led to the spread of most of the remnants of the aggression’s weapons that were used on the homes and farms of citizens and the line linking the two governorates Hodeidah and Sanaa.

The Center called on citizens not to approach the area of collecting the remnants of the aggression or touch any foreign object in order to preserve their safety.