YEMEN Press Agency

UAE demands security belt forces to hand over all weapons to coalition’s HQ in Aden

SANAA, June 14 (YPA) – The United Arab Emirates (UAE) occupation forces demanded the leaders of what so-called security belt forces to hand over all weapons to the coalition headquarters in the city of Aden, a security official told Yemen Press Agency.

The move came after the exiled resigned Riyadh-based president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi visited the UAE over the past two days.

The leaders of what so-called security belt forces in ِAden, La, j and Dhalea provinces were shocked the UAE’s orders to hand over all medium and heavy weapons of armored cars and other military mechanisms to the headquarters of the Allied Coalition forces in the city of Aden, the official said.

This military equipment to be received by the ministry of defense in  Bin Daghar’s authorities, the source added.

The same source revealed that UAE occupation forces suggested a proposal that all Shabawni and Hadrami Elites forces be engaged under the leadership of the outgoing Hadi in the ministries of interior and defense.