YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition warplanes renew bombing of water tanks, telecommunications network in Saada

SAADA, Jan. 12 (YPA) – In the past few hours, Saudi-led coalition warplanes have renewed airstrikes on Saada province, targeting basic service infrastructure.

On Tuesday evening, the coalition warplanes carried out three raids on water tanks in Haql Talmus area and two raids on the telecommunications network in the Bani Moeen area of the border directorate of Razih, a security source said.

Moreover, the Coalition warplanes re-targeted the communications network in Al-Abdin area, south of Saada city two times, bringing the number of airstrikes on the telecommunications network in the Al-Abdin area to eight in the past few hours.

Earlier time of Tuesday, the Coalition air forces launched an airstrike on the  telecommunications network in in Al-Hashwah district.

This attack came few hours later after the coalition forces  bombed  the telecommunications network in the areas of Al-Abdin, Allaf, and Jabal Ajalah in Haidan district

The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology condemned the targeting of the communications networks, stations and towers by the Saudi aggression.