YEMEN Press Agency

Aden University employees union announces comprehensive strike

ADEN, Nov. 17 (YPA) – The union of faculty members and their assistants at the University of Aden announced on Wednesday the launch of a comprehensive strike phase at the university starting from December 5, if the “Hadi government” does not respond to their demands.

The faculty union demanded, in a statement during its meeting, the return of salaries to their value in hard currency prior to 2015, and to bridge the gap between the salary of a faculty member and assistant faculty members.

The union stressed the speedy transfer of academically appointed members, the settlement of their salaries, and the provision of job vacancies for those appointed without jobs.

In its statement, the faculty union urged the necessity of paying financial rights, supervision allowances, and others to the faculty members and their assistants.

The faculty union of Aden University announced its full and absolute solidarity with all the escalating steps taken by the faculty union in Hadramout and Sayoun Universities, calling on the “government” to meet all demands, as they are demands of all unions.