YEMEN Press Agency

STC says it has plan to confront Islah militants after Marib battle is over

ADEN, Nov. 05 (YPA) – Ahmed Saeed Bin Brik, head of the so-called National Assembly of the UAE-backed  Southern Transitional Council (STC),  said the council has a different strategy, if Sanaa’s forces take control of Marib city.

“If Marib falls, the STC leadership will have a different strategy,” Bin Brik said in an interview with  Alghad Almushreq TV.

“We have a strong patience with the actions of some legitimate parties (referring to the Islah party militants) that is trying to thwart the coalition and the STC , and we have repeatedly tried to expose them to the president, the coalition and the international community,” he added.

Bin Brik’s remarks coincided with military reinforcements sent by the “STC” to Abyan province in preparation for a final battle to expel Islah militants and take over the province.