ADEN, Oct. 06 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militias on Wednesday attacked a house of a wounded recruit loyal to Saudi-led coalition in the port city of Aden, southern Yemen.
Local sources in the city reported that gunmen affiliated with the STC militia stormed the house of the recruit Adel Al-Nofi, who was wounded while fighting in ranks of the coalition, in Al-Tawila neighborhood in Crater area.
The sources said, “The gunmen violated the sanctities of the house, and terrified women and children by storming the rooms by force at gunpoint.”
Since the beginning of this week, the people and residents of Crater area have been living in real terror due to the confrontations between the pro-Saudi leader, Imam al-Nubi, and the STC militia, which left more than 10 dead and 60 wounded, including women and children.
The UAE-backed STC militia launched a campaign of raids on homes and shops and regional kidnappings against the people of the northern provinces in Crater and the rest of Aden.