YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition-backed militia storm dozens of houses in Aden, force their residents to leave

ADEN, Aug. 26 (YPA) – Saudi-led collation militias have stormed several homes in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden, the past few days, local sources said on Thursday .


The sources said that at least 38 families from Dar Saad and Mansoura districts have been subjected to incursions carried out by militias loyal to the forces of invasion and occupation in the past days .


According to these sources, many of these families were forced to leave Aden for the provinces that enjoy stability and security under the National Salvation  government and the Supreme Political Council.


Activists have called for activating the secret prison files and arbitrary detention centres run by the invading forces and their militias in the southern provinces and Aden in particular.


The activists’ calls came after frequent reports were circulated about  brutal torture and serious abuses against  abductees inside these prisons and detention facilities.