YEMEN Press Agency

Sudan summons its ambassador to Ethiopia

KHARTOUM, Aug. 09 (YPA) – Sudan has summoned  its ambassador from Ethiopia on Sunday after Ethiopian statements claiming ownership of the al-Fashaga border area, SudanTribune reported.

In a statement, Khartoum commented on recent Ethiopian statements rejecting Sudan’s initiative to end the bloody conflict in Tigray  region, on the grounds that Sudan is not neutral and occupies Ethiopian territory.

The Sudanese government rejects the Ethiopian claims on the fertile border area, pointing to several agreements on the border demarcation signed between the two countries in 1902, 1903 and 1975.

 “The suggestion that Sudan played a role in the (Tigray) conflict and the claim of occupation (of an Ethiopian territory) is a continuation of what Ethiopia used to repeat overstepping the facts in its relationship with Sudan,” the statement read.

 The statement underscored that Ethiopia has been promoting allegations that are based only on the ambitions of “some circles in the Ethiopian government”.

.“The initiative made by Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok as the Chairperson of the IGAD aims to encourage the Ethiopian parties to reach a comprehensive cease-fire, and to engage in a comprehensive political dialogue process to preserve the unity and stability of Ethiopia,” said the ministry of foreign affairs.

 It stressed that Sudan’s efforts had not ceased by virtue of his responsibility and would continue to push for a solution to the conflict in Ethiopia.