YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Nasr Al-Mubin Operation defeats allegations of ‘Al-Najm Al-Thaqib’

SANAA, Aug. 01 (YPA) – The second phase of Operation al-Nasr al-Mubin , which was presented on Saturday, revealed to the world the glamour of the so-called legitimacy in the media, and demonstrated the fragility of Daesh and Al-Qaeda, which are the weapon of the US-Saudi aggression in its war on Yemen.

The aggression’s operation Al-Najim al-Thaqib has vanished, rather it was completely burned by the meteors of the Army and Popular Committees. The three-dimensional minister (information, culture, and tourism) in Hadi’s government, Muammar al-Eryani, was completely absent from the scene.

He dragged the trail of shame and disgrace from the Twitter platform, after the liberation of Al-Sawma’ah, Al-Zahir, Nati’ and Numan. The forces of Operation al-Najim al-Thaqib, which were reinforced by brigades of the so-called Southern Giants, Hadi militia, Daesh and Al-Qaeda, were defeated.

The heroes of the Army and Popular Committees, along with the people of Bayda governorate, did not need a long time and long days to liberate the areas controlled by the coalition militia and gangs.

It took only eight days for the Sana’a forces to announce the success of the second phase of Operation Al-Nasr Al-Mubin, in which the districts of Nu’man and Nati’ in Bayda were liberated with an area of ​​380 square kilometers. 160 members were killed, more than 200 injured and dozens of those infidel gangs captured. As well as dozens of vehicles and armored vehicles were damaged and burned, different quantities of weapons were seized.

For the first time, the Sanaa forces revealed a new weapon, which was presented in Saturday’s press conference and appears to have been recently introduced into the battle, as the scenes showed one of the fighters on board a military kit and firing from this weapon a group of incendiary explosive bombs.

The Operation Al-Nasr Al-Mubin was not limited to the strength of the soldiers on the ground, but the Air Force participated in 19 operations, including reconnaissance and combat operations targeting the sites of al-Qaeda and Daesh, while the missile force carried out 13 operations using Badr and Saeer missiles.

Although the coalition supported its gangs with at least 67 raids, the fragility of these members and the absence of their principle was enough to be defeated during the past eight days, as they were killed, wounded, captured and fled.

Operation al-Najm al-Thaqib, that was announced by Al-Eryani, had been prepared, and the takfiri groups had been provided with various weapons, ammunition and funds, and criminal plans had been drawn up for them. This is what was revealed by the scenes of the second phase of Operation Al-Nasr Al-Mubin.

Had it not been for God’s care and the determination of the heroes of the Army and Popular Committees, the operation of the so-called al-Najm al-Thaqib would have succeeded. But God wanted to show the reality of the relationship between the coalition of aggression and the takfiri gangs that this criminal alliance claims to fight and which the US uses as a pretext for its movement and its war on Yemen.

“The recent operations of the Armed Forces demonstrated the level of competence and experience of the members of this national institution from the field jihadist reality and from the practical experience of struggle in the face of invaders and agents,” Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e said in his briefing on Saturday. “It is indeed a clear and obvious fact that proved that our Armed Forces have become today highly capable in dealing with any movements of the enemy on any front, and in a very record time.”