YEMEN Press Agency

Islah militia kills recruit in west of Marib

MARIB, Jul. 31 (YPA) – Islah militants have killed a recruit loyal to Saudi-led coalition and wounded two others in  west of Marib province.

Ali bin Mohsen Salah, an officer of the General Staff of Hadi’s forces, revealed in a Facebook post on Friday, that members of the “military police” affiliated with Islah party, Yemeni branch of Muslim Brotherhoods intercepted a military vehicle carrying three recruits at a checkpoint in Saher area and prevented them from entering Marib city.

Salah said the recruits came from a coalition position on the front lines west of the city, after one of the three recruits was informed that his wife was lying in intensive care in a hospital in the city.

The checkpoint members refused to allow the recruits to cross the checkpoint, despite having a permission from the coalition command to pass all the checkpoints, he explained.

Salah confirmed that the military police members opened fire at the head of the soldier, whose wife is in the hospital, and killed him immediately. This promoted his colleagues to clash with the soldiers at the checkpoint before they were injured.

“This is a crime committed by  the military police forces against those stationed on the front-lines of the coalition forces,” he  concluded.