YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi forces hand Emirati officers new buildings at Al-Ghaydah Airport

MAHRA, April 10 (YPA) – The Saudi forces, present at Al-Ghaydah airport in Mahra province, eastern Yemen, handed over a number of newly-built facilities to Emirati officers who came Saturday morning from the Yemeni island of Socotra, well-informed sources said.

The sources added that the new buildings and facilities were equipped as secret prisons for the Emirati forces.

The famous Sheikh in Mahra “Ali Salem Al-Harizi” denounced, in a speech last week, the kidnapping practices carried out by the UAE-backed militia in the archipelago of Socotra.

He stressed, at the same time, that “the attempt to terrorize the residents of Socotra and Mahra provinces by the Emirati and Saudi forces is nothing but a failure.”