YEMEN Press Agency

Loujain Al-Hathloul’s family: The Biden administration contributed a lot to her release

SANAA, Feb. 12 (YPA) – Sister of the Saudi activist Loujain Al-Hathloul, Alia said the arrival of Joe Biden to the US presidency after Donald contributed a lot to the release of Jane.

Alia added that Jane was in prison during the Trump administration and was released a few weeks after Biden took power, and “if we ignore that it will not be.” right”.

In a press conference via video conference on Thursday, Alia and Lina, expressed their happiness at the release of their sister after spending 1001 days in prison, but confirmed that Loujain did not get her freedom yet,

Alia said that she is “very happy” to see Jane “as strong as she is used to,” and added, “This is Loujain that I know and I am proud of her and her ability to maintain her high hopes.”

The two sisters considered that Loujain had not yet obtained her freedom, and the two sisters indicated that Jane was banned from traveling outside Saudi Arabia for a period of 5 years, in addition to her release being conditional and she will remain under probation for 3 years.

She added that Saudi Arabia is an ally of the United States, but the Biden administration made it clear that it cares about human rights, and continued by saying that Biden’s access to power “contributed a lot” to the release of my sister, stressing that the international community’s pressure can help improve human rights conditions.

Regarding Loujain’s future after her release, Lina said that her sister “will continue to seek justice and prove her torture,” through appeals and judicial procedures. She added that Jane is not free, and what happened to her was a conditional release with a travel ban.

Regarding the possibility of Jane going out to speak openly and return to practicing her human rights activities and using her accounts on social media, Lina said: “I think she will not be using her accounts,” referring to Loujain who was sentenced for tweets and could be imprisoned again because she is still under surveillance.