YEMEN Press Agency

New York Times reveals UAE spy network targets Qatar

SANAA, Feb. 8 (YPA) – The New York Times reported that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) spy on its neighbor Qatar and other countries, through a group of hackers, who once worked for US intelligence agencies.

The newspaper quoted a former member of this spy network as saying that they were misled by multiple financial offers under the cover of working for a government allied to Washington.

The member confirmed to The New York Times that Abu Dhabi has conducted cyber espionage activities against Qatar to substantiate allegations of terrorist financing.

“I spied on members of Qatar’s ruling family, he said.

He explained that the US spy team withdrew after they arrived via their hacking, to reveal private correspondence. The mother of the current Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad.

The New York Times confirmed in its report that the U.S. authorities. Investigate the UAE spying on e-mails to US officials. Among them is Michelle Obama, the former president’s wife.

The report indicated that the hacker team had assigned them an attempt to prove that Qatar was financing terrorism.

He asked them to break through Sheikha Moza’s e-mails, and they found only conversations about education.

The paper pointed out that when the hackers saw this humanitarian role refused to continue the operation of espionage.

According to the New York Times, Abu Dhabi’s cyber espionage operation has gone beyond the Qatari ruling family to FIFA officials.

The former member of the spy network also revealed that they were tasked with working to substantiate allegations that Qatar was funding the Muslim Brotherhood.