YEMEN Press Agency

Lebanese Presidency: Hariri rejects Aoun’s comments to form government

SANAA, Jan. 30 (YPA) – The Information Office of the Lebanese Presidency accused President-designate Saad Hariri of “uniquely forming the government” and refused to take into account President Michel Aoun’s remarks.

The office said: “The statement issued by the Information Office of the President-designate contained false responses and misplaced information.”

The office continued: “In order not to get into an argument, the President-designate, through his response, is determined to uniquely form the government, refusing to take into account the remarks of the President of the Republic that embody partnership in forming the government.”

The Lebanese presidency indicated that “there will be no government that contradicts partnership, pact and true coexistence, based on national balance and the protection of its foundations.”
Earlier on Friday, the Lebanese Prime Minister-designate, Saad Hariri, launched a sharp attack on Lebanese President Michel Aoun, accusing the Lebanese presidency of “trying to direct the government clash towards sectarian paths.”