YEMEN Press Agency

Lahj witnesses great tension among coalition forces

LAHJ, Jan. 17 (YPA) – A great tension has been witnessed between the Saudi-led coalition factions in Yemen’s southern province of Abyan, according to the sources.

The sources affirmed that the tension erupted between the Salafi groups and the Southern Transitional Council(STC)’s militias backed by the UAE in Karash district.

The great tension came against the background of Sheikh “Mohammad al-Imam”, the leader of the Salafists in Yemen, to deliver a religious lecture on brotherhood, unity and coexistence in Islam.

The sources added that the STC militias informed al-Fayoush Salafist Center in al-Fayoush area of Lahj not to receive any instructions and religious lecturers delivered mosque of the Karash district by Salafi leaders affiliated with the northern provinces.

Dozens of Salafist militants deployed with various weapons inside Salafist Center of Al Fyoush area, after being received news to attack the center by the STC militias.