YEMEN Press Agency

Syria condemns US accusations against Iran

SANAA, Jan. 14 (YPA) – Syria strongly condemned on Thursday the false US accusations against Iran about its support for the terrorist Al-Qaeda organization.

The Syrian News Agency (SANA) quoted an official source in the Syrian Foreign Ministry, as saying: “The Syrian Arab Republic expresses strong disapproval at the US administration’s accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran and its false allegations about Iranian support for the terrorist Al-Qaeda organization, which come in the context of the hysterical US campaign against Iran.”

The ministry showed in a statement its solidarity and complete stand with Iran in the face of this American delirium.

It affirmed that the American slanders, propaganda against Iran is a miserable attempt to lift the accusation from the reckless American administration supporting Al Qaeda organization and many other terrorist groups.

The statement the accusations are one of the tools of American policy to terrorize people and destabilize security and stability in the region.