YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Mushki meets with UNMHA’s chief

HODEIDA, Jan. 6 (YPA) – Major General Ali al-Mushki, head of the national Yemeni delegation at the Coordination and Redeployment Committee (RCC) in Hodeida, met on Wednesday with the head of the United Nations Mission in support of the Hodeida Agreement (UNMHA) Abhijit Guha.

At the meeting, al-Mushki condemned the military escalation and airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led coalition forces in the governorate to target citizens and civil areas.

Al-Mushki delivered a strongly-worded message to Guha regarding the escalation of the coalition in Hodeida and its continuous bombing by air and artillery attack, which caused the death of citizens, including bombing of the women’s wedding hall in Al-Hawak district of the province.

He hold the United Nations responsible for silence towards the crimes of the coalition and its tools against the citizens in the province and its continued siege.

The meeting called on the United Nations to take a clear, transparent and tougher stance towards the coalition’s violations to obstruct carrying out the Sweden agreement, and to prove its impartiality and seriousness to implement the Hodeida agreement and to alleviate the suffering of Yemenis.