YEMEN Press Agency

Scottish Prime Minister: Trump’s visit unwelcome

SANAA, Jan. 6 (YPA) Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon said Tuesday night that US President Trump’s visit would be an unwelcome visitor as the country is once again plunged into lockdown.

Speaking at a daily coronavirus briefing, she said: “We’re not allowing people to come to Scotland without an essential purpose and that would apply to him just as it would apply to anybody else and coming to play golf isn’t what I would consider to be an essential purpose,” AFP News Agency reported.

Sturgeon said she had no knowledge of Trump’s travel plans but added that she “hopes and expects” he will officially step down as expected on January 20.

“Coming to play golf is not what I would consider to be an essential purpose,” she added.

Local media reported that a US military Boeing 757 aircraft was scheduled to land at Prestwick Airport in Scotland on January 19, the day before Joe Biden’s inauguration.

The vice president and first lady often use the jet for official trips abroad, prompting speculation of an impromptu visit from the outgoing head of state.

Britain is one of the most affected European countries with more than 75,000 deaths and the situation has worsened in recent weeks with the spread of a more contagious mutated version of the virus.