YEMEN Press Agency

Leader in security belt accuses Shalal Shayea of setting up ambush for him in Aden

ADEN, Dec. 30 (YPA) – A senior leader in the so-called the UAE-backed security-belt militias on Wednesday accused the factions loyal to the ousted Aden’s security chief, Shalal Shayea of trying to liquidate him.

Ammar al-Muhadhar, commander of the belt said he was in the process of carrying out a withdrawal from the Al-Mashiq palace to his former positions in Al-Tawahi when his forces were ambushed in the directorate, prompting them to clash with the gunmen loyal to Shayea.

Al-Muhadhar’s remarks came a day after Shayea’s militias announced the arrest of five of his members in connection with clashes that left civilians dead and wounded.

The move highlighted the insecurity situation in Aden as several factions struggle to take over the security file in the city, which is expected to return of the new Hadi government to the city.