YEMEN Press Agency

Turkish airstrikes hit Iraq Kurdistan

SANAA, Dec. 19 (YPA) – Turkish warplanes on Saturday launched a series of airstrikes on at least  eight areas in northern Iraq’s Kurdistan region in the early hours of Saturday morning.

According to Russia Today, ” eight villages in the Batifa subdistrict of Duhok province’s Zakho area came under intense bombardment.”

No casualties have been reported, but the bombardment created “a lot fear” among villagers, the agency added.

The Iraqi foreign ministry earlier summoned the Turkish ambassador to Baghdad and handed him a note of protest over Turkish shelling in a number of areas in northern Iraq.

Turkey launched its current offensive in the Kurdistan Region mid-June, with the stated aim of removing PKK fighters from the border areas.

Operations have focused on areas in Duhok province’s Zakho region where villagers living in the mountains have borne the brunt of Turkey’s bombing. Several civilians have been killed in the strikes this year.