YEMEN Press Agency

Trump’s advisers prevent him from committing folly against Iran

SANAA, Nov. 17 (YPA) – President Donald Trump recently asked his administration about the possibility of a strike on Iran, but administration officials “convinced him not to do so, ” The New York Times reported, citing US officials.


According to current and former administration officials, Trump held a meeting with his top advisers in the Oval Office last Thursday, November 12, and expressed interest in the possibility of a military strike against Iran’s largest nuclear facility in Natanz in the coming weeks.


Officials noted that the conversation took place after international inspectors said there was a significant increase in the amount of enriched uranium available to Iran.


Senior administration officials have warned President Trump of the consequences of such a move.


The meeting included Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and Chief of Staff Mark Milly.


After Pompeo and Millie presented their vision of the potential risks, the meeting decided to drop the possibility of a missile strike off the schedule.


Sources suggested that Trump is still considering possibilities to “respond” to Iran’s increase in uranium stockpiles and target its assets and allies, including Tehran-allied groups in Iraq.