YEMEN Press Agency

STC militias force Islah militants to raise their military points in Lahj

LAHJ, Oct. 20 (YPA) – The UAE-Backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militias forced the slah party militants to raise their military points from the entrance to Tor al-Bahah in Lahj province.

Mohammed al-Naqib, spokesman for the STC’s militias in Abyan Front, said on Monday in a tweet that the STC’s forces in the “9th Brigade”  with the support of the Sabiha tribes, pushed al-Islah militants to withdraw from the entrance to Tor al-Bahah.

On the other hand, an informed source revealed the of the Islah has brought ” nine military brigades”, to surround the area of Tor al-Bahah, under the supervision of the leader Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, with direct Turkish funding and support.

In early October, a military battalion of more than 150 armed men, including the staff officer of the 4th Brigade, Naji al-Shutaif, was captured by the STC militias after they were surrounded, with the support of tribesmen from the Alalqama tribe, one of the Sabiha tribes.