YEMEN Press Agency

Corona injuries in America record highest level in 2 months

SANAA, Oct. 11 (YPA) – Reuters revealed, in an analysis conducted by it, that new cases of corona in the United States reached the highest level in two months, with more than 58,000 new cases of the virus recorded.
According to Reuters data, “Ten of the 50 states recorded record increases in daily injuries on Saturday, including Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri and Ohio in the Midwest.”
Wisconsin and Illinois recorded more than 3 thousand new infections for the second day in a row at an unprecedented rate over two days, even during the height of the previous outbreak in the spring.
The western states, namely Montana, New Mexico, Wyoming, Oklahoma and West Virginia, announced the largest jumps in cases within a single day, while 19 states witnessed record increases in new cases in October.
Despite the continued decline in deaths from the disease nationwide, it is registering an average of 700 deaths per day, while 3 states monitored a record increase in deaths on Friday, which are Arkansas, Missouri and Montana.
Health experts have warned that deaths are a late sign of the disease spreading and usually increase after weeks of a surge in cases.
According to a new update of the University of Washington model, the daily death rate in the country is expected to more than 3-fold by mid-January to 2,250, bringing the total deaths to 395,000 cases by February 1, 2021.