YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Qaeda elements deploy in Marib

MARIB, Aug. 24 (YPA) – Dozens o elements of the “Al Qaeda and ISIS” organizations have continued to deploy in Wadi Abaidah areas in the city of Marib.

Sheikh Hamad Al-Shabwani Al-Abaidi, on his Facebook account on Sunday, revealed Sheikh Mabkhout bin Nasser Al-Sharif, head of the Yemeni Congregation for Islah Party in Marib city, hosted a number of the princes of “Al Qaeda and ISIS” organizations, in his home in Wadi Abaidah area in the city.

He affirmed that armed deployment by the elements came for preparation to fight alongside of the Saudi-led aggression coalition forces and the Islah militias in the city.

Al-Shabwani added that the princes of Al-Qaeda and ISIS elements appeared in Wadi Abaidah area after they fled from the areas of Qifah in Bayda governorate loaded with medium weapons and explosive devices.

Al-Shabwani criticized the coalition forces to recruit those elements to fight with them, calling on the coalition, the Islah leaders and the “Hadi government” to sense the danger of the presence of these elements in the Marib governorate, and expel them.

On May 3, 2020, “Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula” organization published a video recording of one of leaders of Al Qaeda, called “Abu Fawaz Al Marabi,” documenting his cooperation with Saudi Arabia and Hadi’s forces in Marib governorate.