YEMEN Press Agency

Corona’s toll in world exceeds 21.45 million injuries, 764062 deaths

SANAA, Aug 16 (YPA) – A Reuters statistics showed that more than 21.45 million people have been infected with the new Coronavirus worldwide, and that 764,062 people have died from the virus.
Coronavirus infections have been recorded in more than 210 countries and regions since the first cases were discovered in China in December 2019.
The United States topped the list, with 164,570 deaths, five million and 380,934 cases.
Brazil came in second place, with 107,232 deaths, 3 million and 317,096 cases.
India ranked third, with 49,036 deaths, two million, and 526,192 injuries.
Russia ranked fourth, with 15,617 deaths and 917884 injuries.