YEMEN Press Agency

Young man shot dead by STC’s militia in Aden

ADEN, July 22 (YPA) -At least one civilian was killed and three gunmen were injured monday evening in clashes between the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militias in the Crater district of Aden province in southern Yemen, local sources said.

According to the sources, a 20-year-old man who was shot while at the scene of the clashes near his home, while at least three members of the STC militias were injured in the clash.
The sources confirmed that the situation remained tense in the Taweela neighborhood of the Crater district.

Clashes broke out between armed elements of the UAE-backed factions due to internal differences within the militias.

Aden has been in a state of insecurity since the STC took control in early August 2019 in a coup against Hadi government backed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.