SANAA, July 11 (YPA) – The official Russian Atlas encyclopedia had recognized Mahdi al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council in Sana’a, as the President of the Republic of Yemen.
Activists have been circulating pictures from the new edition of the Russian Encyclopedia of Politics and Geography, in which Mahdi al-Mashat is noted as President of the Republic of Yemen.
مهدي المشاط رئيس الجمهوريه اليمنيه منذ العام 2018!!
هكذا نشرت اهم موسوعة روسية معنية بالجغرافيا السياسيه وتعتبر هذه الموسوعة المرجع الاساس لكل دور النشر و الدوائر السياسية الروسيه
تحية للرئيس المجاهد البطل المشير مهدي المشاط.— الإعلامي/ يحيى صلح(حسابي البديل ) (@SolahYahya) July 10, 2020
The sources said that this encyclopedia is the main reference for Russian official institutions, and reiterated that the recognition of President al-Mashat as President of the Republic of Yemen is “not a mistake, but a new orientation for Russian politics and other international powers that recognize the powers on the ground.”