YEMEN Press Agency

Information Minister condemns Saudi-led coalition’a bombing of media institutions

Yemen’s Information Minister Daifallah al-Shami has on Wednesday condemned hysterical air raids carried out by the US-backed Saudi-led aggression aircraft today on the capital Sana’a, causing damages to the accessories of the ministry of information building.

Al-Shami said in a statement to the Yemen News Agency (Saba) that the deliberate and the continued bombing the infrastructure of the ministry and its media institutions, is an attempt to silence the voice of truth to cover up its crimes and violations against the Yemeni people.

He called on Arab and international media associations and international organizations to protect journalists and play their role against the systematic targeting of the ministry’s facilities and media in Yemen.

The Saudi-American aggression aircraft directly targeted the Ministry of Information and a number of media organizations with a series of raids over the past years, which caused significant damage.