YEMEN Press Agency

STC’s militias deploy intensively at entrances of Hadibu city in Socotra

SOCOTRA, June 18 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militias on Thursday reinforced their presence at entrances and exits of Hadibu city, the capital of Socotra Island.

Local sources reported that militias of the so-called the First Marines Brigade”, affiliated with the STC, had intensively deployed in the entrances of the city.

This came after Wednesday’s violent clashes broke out between the STC militia and Islah Party’s militants at the entrances of the city of Hadibu.

Socotra island is witnessing military tensions between the STC and the Islah, after an assassination attempt by the Islah militants targeted on Wednesday head of the STC branch in the island, Sheikh Raafat Abu Hammam, while returning from Joh center.