YEMEN Press Agency

Army’s forces take control over Marib international road

MARIB, June 15 (YPA) – The Yemeni army, backed by the Popular Committees, has on Monday made a new military achievement in fighting on the outskirts of Marib city against Saudi-led coalition forces and their mercenaries.

Local sources in Marib told “Yemen Press Agency”  that army forces and committees are engaged in fierce battles, near the areas around the international line linking Marib province and the capital Sanaa, one of the main entrances to Marib city.

According to the sources, the army forces and popular committees were able to take control of the Halhalan project, southeast of al-Jafraa area, which enabled them to take full control of the international road to Marib city towards Jawf junction.

Moreover, the sources pointed out that the army forces and popular committees made significant progress towards the positions of Saudi-led coalition forces southeast of al-Jafraa, and began to advance towards the positions near Saleh Mabkhout al-Oudari station, which is witnessing violent clashes between the two sides.

The sources explained that the coalition air forces launched several air strikes, in an attempt to stop the advance of the army and popular committees towards al-Jafraa area, but failed.